In an era where sustainability is imperative, companies are exploring innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Guardian Fire & Safety is committed to minimise its environmental impact, monitoring its environmental performance, and measuring and reporting on its carbon footprint annually.  

In August 2023, they introduced their first EV company car and their first 100% electric Service Vehicle followed at the end of February 2024. 

Implementation Process 

  • They implement Green Series Portable Fire Extinguisher which contains water only with no additives, so its contents are harmless to the environment.  
  • They manage all their WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) under the WEEE directive.  
  • Mahony Fleet worked closely with them to ensure they selected an Electric Van that offered the best range balance, payload capacity, and reliability. Utilising telematics and data analytics, the company tracked metrics such as energy consumption, route efficiency, and maintenance need to optimise operations continually. 

“I was quite surprised how easy the change was and within a week found it much better as regards quietness. Driving is way less work and I find you would be less tired after a journey.” Tomás, Service Engineer at Guardian Fire & Safety 

This case study underscores the importance of strategic planning, investment in the right technology, and continuous optimisation in achieving sustainability goals. For other logistics companies considering a similar transition, Mahony Fleet offers a blueprint for leveraging electric vehicles to drive both environmental and business success. Learn more about our fleet solutions: [email protected]