Toll charges increase around Ireland

Toll charges increase around Ireland

An increase in tolls on ten routes around the country, including the M50 and the Dublin Tunnel, has come into effect. The majority of car tolls have risen by 20 cents per journey while charges for heavy good vehicles have gone up by 30 to 50 cents per journey....
Winter driving tips from the driver support team

Winter driving tips from the driver support team

The winter months bring adverse weather conditions and longer periods of darkness making driving conditions more hazardous. Taking a number of simple precautions can ensure safety on Irish roads during winter. Mahony Fleet Driver Support have outlined some of their...
Recommendations to avoid Diesel particle filter problems

Recommendations to avoid Diesel particle filter problems

1. AdBlue (Urea) Fluid tanks fully should be refilled as soon as the first “Low AdBlue” alert appears on the dashboard. We recommend you call your nearest main dealer, and they will do it for you (If AdBlue is needed urgently, it is also available in all...