An increase in tolls on ten routes around the country, including the M50 and the Dublin Tunnel, has come into effect. The majority of car tolls have risen by 20 cents per journey while charges for heavy good vehicles have gone up by 30 to 50 cents per journey. Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) said they will use the expected increase in income in 2024 to continue to fund the Protection and Renewal activities where significant increases in costs are being experienced due to inflation.
- M50 Toll Road
CPI increased by 6.3% between August 2022 and August 2023 and this increase has resulted in an increase in the tolls chargeable for users of the M50 as set out in Table 1.
- Public Private Toll Concessionaires (PPP): Eight PPP toll concessionaires throughout country.
The CPI increased by 6.3% between August 2022 and August 2023 and this has resulted in increased tolls for all vehicle categories on all toll concession roads.
- Dublin Tunnel
The tolling arrangements at the Dublin Tunnel are intended to manage demand at peak times and ensure that HGV movements to and from Dublin Port are not impeded with additional traffic and congestion. As set out above, given increased levels of traffic using Dublin Tunnel, in particular an increase of 17% in tollable traffic (Cars/LGVs) since 2019, TII is increasing tolls at peak hours from €10 to €12 and off-peak from €3 to €3.50.
Full information relating to the Bye Laws supporting TII toll schemes is available at